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8255 Greensboro Drive, Suite 150
Mclean, VA 22102
Mon to Thu 8AM - 8PM, Fri 8AM - 3PM, Sat 9AM - 1PM
Visible, round, fluid-filled lump, often on wrist or fingers.
Soft, mobile, non-tender mass with a “doughy” texture.
Firm, localized swelling near tendons; may grow over time.
Small, bluish-red mass under the fingernail or skin.
Red or bluish discoloration; soft and compressible mass.
Firm, mobile mass along nerve pathway; positive Tinel’s sign possible.
Soft, rubbery mass; may be solitary or multiple (associated with NF1).
Firm nodules under the skin of the palm; may form cords over time.
Diffuse swelling around joints with reddish-brown discoloration on imaging.
Firm, well-defined mass under the skin; immobile on palpation.
Small, round lump filled with keratin; often white or yellowish in appearance.
Rapidly growing soft tissue mass with firm consistency on palpation.
Gelatinous consistency with slow growth; often deep-seated near tendons/joints.
Irregularly shaped growth composed of mixed tissue types (e.g., fat and nerves).
Firm nodules under the skin with reddish-brown discoloration overlying it.
Deep-seated soft tissue mass with irregular borders on imaging studies.
Irregularly shaped masses that invade surrounding tissues.
Bluish-purple discoloration with poorly defined borders.
Well-circumscribed masses that may appear encapsulated on imaging studies.