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Worker’s Compensation Injury: Quick Guide for Providers

If the patient was injured at work, it's important to get the right care to help them to recover fully. 

Is Your Patient's Injury a Worker’s Compensation Injury?

If your patient's injury is work-related, they may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. Here’s what you need to know:

To Setup a Work-Related Injury Emergency Room Follow Up:

Required Information for Patient’s Visit:

  • Insurance Information:

    • Name of the insurance company managing the worker’s compensation case.

  • Authorization Letter:

    • A letter from the assigned adjuster authorizing medical treatment for Dr. Scott or Next Journey Orthopaedics, including:

      • Claim Number

      • Payer specific address (including P.O. Box)

      • Employer name

      • Employer address

      • State of injury

      • Date of injury

      • Adjuster’s first and last name

      • Adjuster’s email and phone number

      • Injury location on the body

  • Identification:

    • A valid photo ID.

  • Supporting Documents:

    • Any additional documents that may be helpful to the provider.

Required Information for Patient’s Visit:

Virginia Worker’s Compensation Contact Information:

  • Email:

  • Phone: (877) 664-2566

  • Mailing Address: Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission
    333 East Franklin Street
    Richmond, VA 23219

  • By ensuring your patients have all the necessary information and documentation, you can help facilitate their treatment and the worker’s compensation claim process efficiently.

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